Look Closely...
This one was a fun one, people like this one, in real life you can see that it is art, but you have to look close, and on the computer you have to look even closer, everythin from the wood to the pencil to the tape is all drawn, it was a good project, and well worth the time and effort.
Just a small case of "artist block"
well, lately, I've been having a little bit of "artist block" not knowing what to draw; being an artist, can be a very crippling thing, it makes your mind race and work extra hard only to get burnt out really fast, so I decided to start from the begining and draw a basic apple. nothing too fancy, took maybe 10 minutes total, but it's well worth it, because an apple a day keeps the art block away!
- Nick J
By the way, i'll be writting on my other page, jarvisart.blogspot.com, yeah, i know my artwork is on this one, and my writtings are on my jarvisart one, but what can ya do, until I change it you'll have to deal with it.
Nick J.
Oh, the things I can do!!
Well, today, October 23rd, 07. My wife and child are away from me, and I have the whole place to myself!!!!!.... well, it's seems like a great time, however, it's really not near as fun as it sounds, I miss the "pitter patter" of my boy's little wide flat feet, (McCoy's off playing up north with his cousins Kasja, Cambria, and Haven at Sarah and Armands.) and as for my wife, she's with Des,her b.f.f. at a DASHBOARD concert!!! O.M.G! yeah, her life long crush, ENDUR,, or Ender, whatever! but, yeah so I have the place all for myself, but I've not really done anything, i'm probably going to do some art work here in a bit..
Nick J.
first edition
2nd edition
final, or even the 2nd copy is pretty good too,
...New Edition.
the heart of life is good.
Well, this is Nick,, this is my first blog,, it's weird to have a "blog" because, you write down all this stuff, and you wonder if anyone will ever really read any of this? Maybe it is good cause you can let go, and be who you are?
"The heart of LIFE is good." the hear of life is good, thinking of that sentence it makes me very proud, it maked me feel very much at ease, for those who don't know, "the heart of life" is the title of a song by John Mayer (amazing musician b.t.w.) anyway, that little phrase is an awesome phrase to reflect on and to look at life a little closer and to really appreciate all the blessings that one has in his/her life, the heart in my life, is and always will be my family, my wife and my beautiful son, they are my anchor and my rock, my better half, they are everything to me, they are what makes me who I am, and they are what makes me breath every day, the HEART,,, without them I don't know who or what I would be doing.
The heart of
LIFE is good.
- Nick J.