Oh, the things I can do!!
Well, today, October 23rd, 07. My wife and child are away from me, and I have the whole place to myself!!!!!.... well, it's seems like a great time, however, it's really not near as fun as it sounds, I miss the "pitter patter" of my boy's little wide flat feet, (McCoy's off playing up north with his cousins Kasja, Cambria, and Haven at Sarah and Armands.) and as for my wife, she's with Des,her b.f.f. at a DASHBOARD concert!!! O.M.G! yeah, her life long crush, ENDUR,, or Ender, whatever! but, yeah so I have the place all for myself, but I've not really done anything, i'm probably going to do some art work here in a bit..Nick J.
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